Year 1: Early June
5th June 2010
Bunty explains and demonstrates how to make comfrey liquid fertilizer. She transplants the thinnings of the beetroot 'Barabietola di Choggia', 'Cylindra' & 'Golden'. She sows main crop carrots 'Flakkee' & 'James Scarlett Intermediate' and explains the slowing in the speed of growth after midsummer. She sows leaf beat 'Erbette', winter raddish 'Minowase', Chinese cabbage 'Nikko', Chinese broccoli 'Kailaan' & Florence Fennel. Bunty shows how much space is needed for pumkins and squashes. Plants out cauliflower 'North Forelander' under a new type of fleece called 'Environtect'. Finally Bunty picks Kohlrabi leaves and the first of the climbing french beans (Polytunnel).